Some of you may already have heard that last Wednesday was my birthday. As a birthday/Christmas present to myself, I decided to buy a new camera. My old camera was a Sony Cybershot that I received for Christmas a few years ago. Recently, it’s become very temperamental, only working when it wants to…and when combined with its only having 2.0 megapixels, I thought it might be time for an upgrade. So…say hello to my new little friend:
My new Nikon Coolpix P80 has a couple more megapixels (what exactly IS a megapixel, anyway???) than my old Sony – 10.1, to be exact. It also beats out the Sony’s zoom 3 times over….for a whopping 18X optical zoom…(and you thought he was just happy to see you, didn’t you???)
So, now that I have my nice, new camera, I need something to photograph….
Henryton??? I love the new camera!!!! I am going to buy one when my tax return arrives within 10 days!!
Definitely Henryton…and maybe, a ghost town that I heard about up in Maine??? lol….
No fair. I am still waiting for my W-2!
Great cam!!! Awesome!!
How thick was the instruction book that came with that?
Eh, only about 150 pages…
So when your ready…I am ready!! I am fortunate that the company I worked for gives there stuff out early…that and I have an insider that reads off all the stuff I need to file with…lol
You should bring the new toy to dinner tomorrow night so we can take a closer look at it.
Let's wait until it warms up to the 30's or so, ok? lol
You are such a weather wimp…lol! I will wait for ya!!
I like to be warm…is that so wrong?
Nah…I will wait for you so you can stay warm cause trying to run from something would be hard with you and 500 hand warmers taped to your body.
Yay! You got it! Now maybe you'll be compelled to post more blogs. Glad you treated yourself, you deserve it.
Who, me? Blog? Nah….
Wasn't it YOU who started all this bloggyness anyway? And then invited and encouraged me and your mother, which in turn had me encourage your brother to enter the world of 360 and blogging? Hmmm? And I have to wonder who got Julie into the mix as well, although I can't be sure of that one….. lol
Nope. Wasn't me.
I disagree…