Fortunately, I didn’t have to listen to any silly rationalizations this evening. I hadn’t even gotten my jacket off when I got home from work tonight, before Megan was thrusting her first quarter report card in my face. “Look, Mom, I made the GOLD honor roll!” I asked what that meant, and she said, “Uh. I don’t know. I got mostly A’s?” lol
She brought home 6 A’s and 1 B for this first quarter of her 11th grade year. Her A’s were in Career Research & Development, Concert Choir, Geometry, English, Modern World History, and Biology. Her 1 B was earned in Fashion Technology. Anyone who has ever met my daughter will know that it’s amazing that she got the B…she wears black. All the time. Every day. Just black.
Students with a GPA between 3.4 and 3.99 are awarded the “gold honor roll.” Her GPA was a 3.86. Go Megan!!!!
Ahh…YEAH Megan!! Tell her Aunt Jen is proud of her!
Way to go Megan!! See Jenny, all those hours at the dinner table helping with the homework for all those years really does pay off!
Grandpa would be so proud! I am too.
WOW! Congrads!