Here we are again. Being up this early is partially my own fault this morning. I forgot that today was Monday, so of course, my alarm went off at 5:30am. I quickly shut it off, along with the second alarm that typically goes off at 6:20, and did go right back to sleep – only to hear, “MEOW MEOW MEOW” at 7:00am. Damn cat.
I went to 2 furniture stores yesterday before realizing that I really hate furniture shopping. I hate walking through the store avoiding eye contact with every sales person I pass, hoping against hope that they won’t approach me and force me to listen to their entire Memorial Day weekend sales pitch – again – to no avail. “Hi, how are you today? Did you know the entire store is on sale today? Yes, it’s all free, with 100% interest, and no payments until the end of time. Is there anything in particular I can help you find today?” Just leave me alone, let me look without you breathing down my neck as you drool over thoughts of your commission, and I will come and find you when I am ready to buy something. Ok? Its right up there with buying a car. Ugh.
Needless to say, I did not find living room furniture yesterday. This is probably just as well, as I should probably paint in there before I fill the room back up with furniture anyway. (Yes mom, you are right. Wow..that was physically painful to type! lol) Of course all that means is that I need to decide on paint colors…and find a REALLY tall ladder. I have vaulted ceilings in my living room and kitchen, so one end of the room is something like 16-18 feet tall.
The major problem I have in deciding on paint colors is that my dining room, living room, and kitchen are all open to each other. I don’t want to paint them all one color, so I need to find colors that work together. Of course, the one room that I am not ready to start on yet – the kitchen – is the only one where I have some inkling as to what I would like to do.
I found the picture above online somewhere, and really like the color combination of the blue walls, stainless steel appliances, and cabinets. Of course, my appliances are off-white (except for the dishwasher, which is black), and my cabinets are hideous, so that room is not going to be a cheap makeover. The kitchen is long and skinny, a galley-type layout, with all of the appliances and cabinets on one side of the room in a line, and the pantry and breakfast bar on the other. One day, after I win the lottery, I would like to investigate having cabinets installed where the breakfast bar is. We never eat there, so its just wasted space where the mail gets piled. Ideally I’d like to have all of the cabinets replaced. And the appliances. And the countertops.
So…I hope everyone is doing something fun for Memorial Day. We are going to the pool with my sister, and then maybe over to Lowe’s to stress over paint colors. Enjoy!