It’s been awhile…remember me? I used to entertain you on occasion with my forays into the cesspool that is online dating, among other things – at least I hope it was moderately entertaining.
Anyway…I’ve been thinking for awhile that I’d like to start blogging again, and what better time than during NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month)? Similar to NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), the object is to write one blog post a day, every day, for the entire month of November. Of course, I’ve almost blown it on Day 1 – I am writing this first post from my bed after nearly forgetting about it entirely.
So that’s the plan…30 days of blogging. I realize there’s not much substance to this one, but it’s late, and I’m tired. Tune in tomorrow, and we’ll do a little catching up.
One down, 29 to go. Wish me luck!
YAY for getting your first post done. Keep it up!
Thank you!