Yeah, I know….late again. Technically, it’s day 26, since it’s after midnight. Get over it. (It’s going to be a short one, too, so while you’re getting over things…)
I am a firm believer that you can learn pretty much *anything* on the internet. Whatever you need to know, Google will help you find the answers you seek. Here are just a few things that I learned from a Google search:
- How to properly hard wire a digital thermostat when the wire colors in the wall didn’t match anything in the instruction booklet that came with the thermostat.
- How to reprogram the garage door wireless keypad
- How to disassemble the shower drain so that I could clean it out
- How to get the display on my mother’s laptop to show right-side-up after she’d somehow managed to turn it sideways
- How to get the duvet cover on my king-sized comforter in less than an hour and a half
- How to put on a wig (it was a Halloween costume thing…)
- How to slice an onion without crying (freeze it first, or submerge it in a pan of water when slicing)
- How to properly cook Bratwurst
- How to get the Chromecast to stop interfering with the house WiFi
- Should I be concerned that my dog just ate a rock?
- How the hell do you pronounce “carabiner”?
- Just what is the familial relationship between Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen, anyway? (Spoiler alert, she’s his aunt. Eww.)
- How on earth do you tie the drawstring in a pair of sweats when it’s all one continuous loop?
- What are kippers?
- Can I give my dog kennel cough if I pet another dog who has it and then pet him? (Yep)
- Can I take mini liquor bottles on a plane? (YES!)
- How do I view my Google search history (so I can write my Day 25 blog)?
If something makes you cry when you cut it, it’s obviously poison and you shouldn’t be eating it. Just sayin’!
Says the woman with the onion allergy!