Day 23: What I Learned on Thanksgiving Day

Happy Thanksgiving, Internet peeps. I hope that you all had a great holiday, full of fun and food, family and friendship. Before I haul my overly-full, slightly tipsy ass upstairs to bed, I just wanted to share a few things that I learned today…

  • When it’s Human vs. 8 month old Newfoundland puppy, the puppy will win. Every time. (That’s gonna leave a mark!) Good thing we were on the beach when she knocked me on my butt.
  • You know how there’s always that one friend who has a little too much to drink and then runs around trying to hump everyone else’s leg at the party? That’s *my* dog when he gets together with other dogs on the beach.
  • Thanksgiving: that day when I finally hang every wall hanging and picture that I’ve bought over the last year, just in case one of the guests wants to see the house.
  • If someone is complaining about how awful the potato peeler is and you find not one but TWO other potato peelers in a drawer *after* they’ve already finished peeling 5 pounds of potatoes…just keep it to yourself. Trust me.
  • That electric wine bottle opener from is the best $22 I ever spent.
  • Don’t ever let your relatives use your account to browse Facebook…unless you want everyone on your friend’s list to see “Your Name Here likes the page PoleFreaks – a Pole Dance Community” pop up on their timeline.
  • The only reason it occasionally stops raining on the Oregon Coast is so that people can see how dusty their house has gotten since the last sunny day.

That’s all I got – goodnight everyone!

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