I’m finally going to pop my NYC cherry this weekend after 41 years. Yes. I know. It’s absolutely pathetic that I live just a train ride away, I’ve been to Puerto Rico, the Bahamas and Italy, for crying out loud, but have somehow never managed to visit the Big Apple. What can I say…I’ve been…busy…
Of course, it’s sort of a “working” trip. I’ll be playing chaperon (yes, someone, somewhere is dumb enough to let ME be in charge of a group of poor, defenseless children – AGAIN!) to some young singers who are being blessed with the honor of performing at Carnegie Hall. We’re taking the bus up Saturday morning and back on Sunday, so there won’t be much time to explore, but hopefully a couple of us will be able to sneak out after the kiddies are in bed to enjoy a little taste of the NY nightlife. Who needs sleep, anyway?
The one thing that’s bumming me out a little bit is that I’m going to be *right there* in Times Square, *so close* to Planet Hollywood, and most likely won’t get to stop and have some of their oh, so yummy L.A. Lasagna.
I discovered this tasty concoction a few years ago at the PH in Myrtle Beach, and have been salivating over the memory of it ever since. It’s basically fried lasagna, and it’s oh my gosh good. Unfortunately, the closest PH location to me since they closed the one in Baltimore is…you guessed it…NYC. When my friend, Sharon, and I took a girl’s trip to Florida last year, I insisted that we go immediately from the airport to the Planet Hollywood in Orlando for dinner, just so I could see if it was as good as I remembered it. It was.
Maybe if I call ahead, they can put some together for me in a to-go box, and I can pick it up as we walk past…If not, well, I guess I have an excuse to go back to NYC soon!
Are they not open late? Who said we can’t go after kidlet duty?!
They’re open ’til 1…I just don’t want to get my hopes up in case we aren’t able to go. Plus, I can’t begin to imagine how many points that crap is…lol
If anyone is interested, we did get the LA lasagna.
Um, you know you and I are the only ones reading this, right? lol
Where would you rate NYC compared to other places you visited.
Well, that would depend on what exactly I’m rating. If I’m basing it on beauty/scenery, it would rank lower than Italy, Puerto Rico and the Bahamas, but higher than Michigan and Tennessee…probably sharing the middle ground with LA. If I’m rating it on fragrance alone, however, I’d have to say it’s definitely the most pungent place I’ve ever been. lol