Wow, it’s been a rough couple of days in MultiplyLand. I don’t know about the rest of you, but personally, I think it’s time for us all to have a beer (and I don’t even LIKE beer) and a song…Who’s with me???
Ok, I’ll start:
99 bottles of beer on the wall,
99 bottles of beer…
Take one down, pass it around…..
98 bottles of beer on the wall!
(ok, someone else’s turn to take over!)
Hmmm. And to think I was the inspiration for this. Geesh.
That is NOT the next line of the song, Mother.
98 bottles of beer on the wall…take one down and pass it around
97 beers on the wall..
I would rather have a Whiskey straight up…I think I earned that at least and I hate Whiskey…lol
97 beers…NEXT
No it is not Mother…lol I played it the right way Jen…I sang it the way you wanted…now where is my beer??
A little Southern Comfort with ginger ale might be nice.
Yeah, but “99 shots of whiskey straight up on the wall, 99 shots of whiskey” just doesn't have the same ring to it….same with the “99 glasses of southern comfort with ginger ale on the wall, 99 glasses of southern comfort with ginger ale…”
I think it has a nice ring to it.
I just want my beer ..k.. we can decide which sounds better over a beer cant we?
Jen – your beer is on the wall. Aren't you paying attention to the song? lol
So no one forgets where we left off:
97 bottles of beer on the wall,
97 bottles of beer…
take one down, pass it around…
96 bottles of beer on the wall…
Where, oh where is Kat? lol
She's at Starbucks. Now if you would have done 99 lattes on the wall….
next time! were talking…YUM and I even have David hooked on Starbucks …see that is how you do it…Yankee candle, Starbucks…lol
Ok ,…your not playing nice….97 bottle of beer on the wall, 97 beers on the wall take one down pass it around …
96 bottles of beer on the wall…why am I the only one singing here HUH???
I did 97 already…you're supposed to be passing them, not drinking them and forgetting how to count!!! lol
lol…damn let me scroll back down and edit my
96 bottles of beer on the wall …96 bottles of beer take one down and pass it around…
95 bottles of beer on the wall…there are ya happy now?? LOL
Much better…
I don't like beer.
None of us like beer, it's just a song!!! SHEESH!!!!!
I am not doing any more until someone else does some…hey did you tell your Mom about having to wear Depends glow in the darkie underpants…I mean I had no idea…LMAO!
My goodness, I jump in the shower for 10 minutes and when I come back the whole place explodes with messages!
And it's your turn. We're on 95. lol
We like that plan of attack! Kat do you have glow in the darkie depends too??
See I told you if you sat Latte's she would appear.
Damn Jen, you just said on Kat's blog that you weren't going to tell anyone!!!
I did not tell anyone…I just asked you if you had told…there is a difference in askin and tellin…did someone say Starbucks??
Starbucks went out of business. Didn't anyone tell you?
I got to ask…do they start glowing when they get wet or do they glow all the time??
Well, how else do you think you're supposed to tell when they're wet???
LOL..nice try…cause I have a huge supply stored under the house of their ground coffee…ananananana
Oops…I thought that was your compost heap…I might have added a few ingredients to it…Sorry!!!
Lizzy Starr in on Truth beyond reality
I don't want to listen to her, she is trying to send you on MY trip to Cabo. lmoa
lmoa? Laughing my Off Ass? Hmmm…
You guys move too fast for me!
We're still on 95. Oh heck…
95 bottles of (insert your alcoholic beverage of choice here) on the wall,
95 bottles of (insert your alcoholic beverage of choice)
Take one down, pass it around,
94 bottles of (insert your alcoholic beverage of choice) on the wall…
I never thought of that..hmm so can I stow away in a bag?? Just think of the fun we would have!
Come on Kat you can do it…
I don't drink so I'd rather go with something liiiiiiikkkkkke…. pomegranate juice.
Can we squeeze that in there?
94 bottle of Pom'granitJuiceonthewallllll
94 bottles of Pom'granitJooooosssssss
take one down, pass it around
93 bottles of Pom'granitJuice
eh? EH?
You have to squeeze it…lol
93 bottles of Big Red
93 Bottles of Big Red…take one down and pass it around …92 bottles on the wall
Haha..may be that's what Multiply engineers were doing ..=)
That wouldn't surprise me in the least!!
Me either!
Ok, I need to go to bed now. I expect all of the bottles to be down and passed by the time I wake up in the morning!!! lol
JennyS … you have a lotta work t'do..!
And an ambulance just pulled up outside my building…can anyone say “alcohol poisoning”???
OH no!! Now I have some matchmaking to do…lol
Britt just got a reading from Lizzy and I was in tears as was she..WOW
I took a nap.. got up.. Saw that the kids arrived and then went to bed.. I get up this morning and this had happened. Sooo.
92 bottles of Diet Mountain Dew on the wall
92 bottles of Dew
Take one down
Pass it around
91 bottles of Diet Mountain Dew on the wall
56 bottles of caffiene free diet coke on the wall
56 bottles of caffiene free
Take one down
Pass it around
and everyone ends up with the flu.
Its too darn early for me to be up and commenting.
obviously gee.. gave us all the flu.. Thanks alot mom.
Um…is that the new math or something? Since when does 56 come after 91???
And Jen, I'm confused….where does matchmaking come into all this??? lol
I was counting in my head overnight….wanted to move this thing along.
All night long, and you only got to 56???
Why is everyone drinking so much? Holiday celebrations?
Of course! How dare you post and not add the next verse???? lol…
Oopssshh.. 49 batl shof beer on th wall
49 batl shof beer
I drunked th uvher sleven today..
49 batl shof beer on th sumfin-or-uvher…. sumwhr uvher thatish way….
ok, you're cut off.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz hic zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I think this bus crashed.