While Janie is still not very happy about having to share her house with the two new kittens, Harley is trying her best to win her over. She waits until Jane is asleep, then creeps as close as she can possibly get without touching her, lays down, and goes to sleep. Once Janie wakes up and sees that she has company, she doesn’t usually stick around long…but at least she’s not hissing!
As for Dinah, she and Janie have stood within inches of each other twice now and shared a piece of lunch meat. I think one day they will all coexist without killing each other, especially once the kittens learn (Harley more so than Dinah) that Janie does NOT like to be pounced upon. They get a little exuberant at times, and seem to forget who they’re dealing with…
I’ve gotten some odd emails today, and I wonder how many others have, too. I logged into my yahoo mail and saw 4 of those “So-and-so has commented on your 360 blog” emails. When I clicked on the link to read one of the comments, it was a comment on an older blog that had been posted at the beginning of June. Throughout the day today, I have gotten several more of these emails, announcing blog comments from May and June. It’s like the email pipe at yahoo was clogged and someone decided today to pour in a bottle of Draino…and out came all of the old emails.