At this moment 15 years ago, I was telling the anesthesiologist that I didn’t care if he stuck the needle for the epidural in my EYE, so long as he stuck it somewhere, and stuck it soon. 30 hours of labor had been enough for me, and I was ready for the good drugs! By 12:30 pm, I felt great, and settled back to watch The Young and the Restless – whomever invented the epidural is an absolute genius…
Today, my 8 lb., 7 oz. bundle of joy turns 15 years old, and all she wants in life is to dye her hair black and meet Amy Lee of Evanescence. Maybe it was the drugs…
To celebrate the big 1-5, we will be meeting up with grandma to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix this afternoon, and then its on to the Cheesecake Factory with the grandparents for dinner. We’re supposed to be leaving for the theater in 24 minutes, so I guess I’d better go get dressed!
15…man, I’m old!