Up too early!!!

I just don’t get it. When that alarm goes off every other day of the week, I feel like I could just turn it off and easily go back to sleep for hours and hours….so why is it that on the one day I don’t have to be up, I’m wide awake before 7am??? It’s just not right. My daughter is away visiting her dad for the weekend; I have no reason to be up this early!

Now, don’t get me wrong…I have plenty of things I would like to accomplish this weekend – but not a single one of them needs to be done prior to, oh, say 10am or so. I need to take my donations to Goodwill, shop for living room furniture, and TRY to decide on paint colors for my living room, dining room, kitchen, and both bathrooms. All of these things need to be done before tomorrow evening when Megan gets home, so that I don’t have to hear her sigh and see the “oh my god, I’m so BORED!” expression on her face as I try to decide between Hazy Jade and Mint Sage.

Somewhere in the middle of all that, I also need to clean. Ugh.

Guess I’d better get to it, before I start to get sleepy!

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