Does this happen to anyone else?

You wake with a start, look at the clock beside the bed, and, oh no! It’s 7:44! Why didn’t the alarm go off? You’re supposed to be at work in 16 minutes! Suddenly your heart is pounding as your mind races through everything you need to do before you can leave the house, and you wonder how you will ever get to work on time…

As you perch on the side of your bed trying to get your breathing under control, you start to notice things…”Everybody Loves Raymond” is on tv (but more importantly, why is the tv on in the first place?)…you are already dressed (wait, didn’t I wear these clothes yesterday?)…your contact lenses are already in…

It takes a few minutes, but you finally realize the truth – it is 7:44 PM, not AM. You sat down to watch a little tv after dinner, and dozed off…for all of 30 minutes.

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