This about sums it up:

It’s late and I’m tired, so I’ll sum today up with bullet points:
- Woke up at 4:15am, and never got back to sleep
- Drove my mother and daughter to the airport at 6:15am so they could FLY to Oregon. Biotches.
- Got a late start on the road – 10am
- The cats were surprisingly quiet…for the most part…except, of course, for my Dinah. She spent the first couple of hours on the road letting us know that she was not happy about this trip. And then decided that this idea needed reiteration off and on throughout the day.
- I’m not sure exactly what Isabel was doing, but when I checked on her the first time, maybe an hour and a half after getting on the road, she’d somehow managed to scrape her nose and make it bleed a little.
- We arrived safe and (relatively) sound in Indianapolis, Indiana at a little after 8pm.
- I’ve decided that traveling with cats is just as bad as traveling with children. We’re staying in this hotel for 1 night, and we had to make two trips to get all of our junk into the rooms…and my second bed is almost completely full of stuff.
- We got through the entire day with only 1 accident – toward the end of the day, Harley peed a little in her carrier. I felt bad for her, because it seemed like she felt bad for doing it. Poor baby. I don’t blame her. I’d die if I had to hold it for 10 hours.
- MIRACLE OF MIRACLES – HARLEY DID NOT POOP IN HER CARRIER!!!! Anyone who knows me knows that an amazing feat this is. Harley has a knack for pooping in her carrier roughly 37.8 seconds before we reach whatever destination we are driving towards – even if it’s only a 15 minute car ride to grandma’s.
- We are in another La Quinta hotel. This one claims to be an entirely smoke-free building….and so far I haven’t experienced a part of it that does NOT smell like cigarettes.
There’s more, but I’m sleepy. (See bullet point #1)
Tomorrow’s a little bit shorter day, at just over 500 miles. We’re shooting to leave by 8:30 or 9am, and our next destination is St. Joseph, MO.
Oh my God my heart goes out to you. Two days on the road! I moved last fall, but it was only one 10 hour shot. We rented a van just for all the cats and the dog. Drive safe!
Oh, but I wish it were only 2 days on the road…we’re driving cross-country…for 5…but thank you! LOL
5!!!! There are no words….you are brave people. 🙂
Brave, or stupid? Jury’s still out. Lol
I hope you at least have kitty relaxant drops! For now lets go with brave.