If a DSL modem connects in the woods…

…and no one’s there to see my IM’s…am I really on the internet? How sad is it that I haven’t been able to get online at home in over a week, and when I finally get back on, there’s no one online to share it with! Ah well, such is life… What a day. If … Read moreIf a DSL modem connects in the woods…

American Inventor – Who invented this show???

Pardon me while I rant for a minute, but WHAT WAS SIMON COWELL THINKING when he ‘invented’ American Inventor? I just don’t get the premise behind this show. Yes, it’s semi-interesting to see the wacko kinds of things people create in the name of Invention. One example that comes to mind is the guy that … Read moreAmerican Inventor – Who invented this show???

Blonde moments abound (a.k.a. cable revisited)

Remember a couple of weekends ago when I decided to wire my condo for cable while under the influence of the Bird Flu? Well today, I’m afraid, the saga continues… I borrowed a drill bit from my dad that was at least a foot long, so drilling through whatever freak mutant thing was living in … Read moreBlonde moments abound (a.k.a. cable revisited)